Innovative Dental clinic River Park
We provide comfortable, high-tech and ultra efficient treatment. Our work is our pasion
The CEO of the Sangre Azul dental clinic is doc. Andrej Thurzo, MD, PhD, MPH, MHA, who graduated from the Medical Faculty of Comenius University. He was the first doctor in the Slovak Republic who brought the techniques of invisible lingual fixed braces (Incognito, eBrace) as well as the techniques of invisible aligners (Invisalign, OrthoCaps). He worked, and also trained these procedures, in various places of work: OÚSA Dental Clinic in Heyduková, Dentaderm in Aupark or Orthodontics in Retra. Doc. Thurzo has trained the basics of these techniques in many other doctors who work in their own fields today. Sangre Azul has been operating since 2015 at Antolská 4 and since 2020 at Dvořákovo nábreží 4 in River Park.
The operation of Sangre Azul has brought a number of innovations to Slovak clinical practice, which we now take for granted, for example:
- replacement of tooth impressions by scanning
- 3D facial scans and 3D cephalometric analysis
- Digital Smile Design of orthodontic cases
- individualized 3D printing of PowerArms and PowerCaps
- orthognathic surgeries of Invisalign patients
- invisalign for teenagers or DentalMonitoring
Akcelerátory v ortodoncii

Smile View + iTero simulator

LIDAR v ortodoncii
3d a 4d skenovanie tvari

Analytický softvér
CBCT záznam tvrdých a mäkkých tkanív

3D tlač
3D tlač v zubnom lekárstve sa sústredí hlavne na dlhodobé provizória, totálne protézy ale aj na edukáciu pacienta či tlač navigačných šablón.

Dental Monitoring
In the case of dental monitoring, it is a "self-scan" of the patient using his private mobile phone with a camera. It will do so when prompted by the...

Intraoral scanners
Intraoral scannersIntraoral scannersIntraoral scanners

Mobile app - StrojCHECK by SangreAzul - Invisalign with A.I.
Version 2.0 of the application, in development since 2015, is based on functional prototypes, which were tested by more than 200 patients of the Sangr...

Precision in every detail
If you are looking at blank cassettes on the web, you may be very confused at the difference in price.
Read helpful tips and tutorials how to smile healthy
What our patients tell about us?

Vysoko profesionálny a inovatívny prístup s významnou klinickou odbornosťou. P. Dr. Thurza odporúčam každému, kto sa rozhodne pre uvedenú ambulanciu. Skúsený prístup vyzdvihujem vrátane celého tímu SA
6 years ago

Ďakujem pekne za málokedy zažiteľny ľudský, profesionálny a odborny prístup Pána Dr. Thurza.vdaja milým ústretový sestričkam a celému tímu. Vždy vládne srdečná, milá a bezprostredná atmosféra. Člove..
6 years ago

Najlepsi lekar akeho som kedy mala.Skutocny odbornik a skvely ludsky pristup.Odporucam kazdemu kto chce mat pekny usmev
9 years ago

Velmi pekne dakujem panovi Dr. Thurzovi a celemu timu za skvelu pracu! Caka ma uz len poslednych 10 tyzdnov doplnujucich nasadok a som nadmieru spokojna. Rok ubehol ako voda a ja sa neustale usmievam
8 years ago

Hoci som len na zaciatku liečby (6 týždňov) som s liečbou a hlavne s prístupom nadmieru spokojná. Dlahy ma učia disciplíne ale účinok môžem vidieť teraz. V ramci ambulancie som ošetrovana najmodernejš
5 years ago